Welcome to the Internal Medicine Lecture Series!
Do you want to learn medicine from university faculty? Are you a resident or medical student looking to learn practical, evidence based approaches to your patients? Are you a physician so excited about MOC that you want to get started studying right now?
Our vision is to teach the world medicine. We believe in the concept of Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) and we focus on internal medicine (#FOAMIM). Our content will always be free to all who want to learn and take better care of patients.
We are supported by the generosity of the University of Louisville.

Little Lectures
Based on feedback from YOU, our loyal viewers, we are excited to present an under ten-minute video series created by residents for learners. These will focus on delivering just-in-time algorithms, practical clinical knowledge and board tips on high-yield topics. These lectures will be provided by the University of Louisville Internal Medicine residents.
Our Most Recent Lectures