Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

Antimicrobial Stewardship in Pneumonia: Empiric Thoughts and Approaches with Audry Hawkins

Audry Hawkins is back to discuss antimicrobial stewardship in pneumonia. She starts with comparing differences in guidelines and recent primary literature on empiric treatment of pneumonia. Hawkins then evaluates appropriate empiric step-down therapy and durations and after, discusses the nuances in guideline recommendations for pneumonia.

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Introduction to Antimicrobial Stewardship with Audry Hawkins and Sarah Moore

In this introduction to antimicrobial stewardship, Audry Hawkins first lists untoward effects of antibiotic use. She then describes antibiotic stewardship principles, goals, and strategies. After, she recognizes changes in the regulatory roadmap and national landscape of antimicrobial stewardship over the past few years, including requirements for accreditation for stewardship programs. Lastly, she identifies proven benefits of antimicrobial steward ship; and finally, Sarah Moore reviews the available local and state-level resources.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Dr. David Armstrong

Dr. David Armstrong presents Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by first presenting a case. He then discusses the history of SLE as well as the different kinds of lupus. After, he differentiates between systemic lupus erythematosus and drug-induced lupus. And finally, Dr. Armstrong gives examples of treatment and drug induced lupus management.

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