All you need to know about louisville lectures
Check out our Louisville Lecture's Boot Camp with highlights of some of our most-viewed lectures. Our Boot Camp covers a series of high-yield, critical topics that are useful to starting interns.
For more recent lectures, visit our IMLS Home Page.
Boot Camp: PHASE TWO
Or, Emergencies and Assessing Them
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Electrolyte Emergencies by Dr. Eleanor Lederer and Assessing the Seriously Ill Patient by Dr. David Nunley.
Boot Camp: PHASE ONE
Or, A Matter of the Heart
We are starting with some basic EKG concepts and arrhythmia emergencies. Dr. Martin Espinoza and Dr. Lorrell Brown deliver two highly-watched videos.
Boot camp: PHASE FOUR
Or What's the Issue
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Common Intern Issues by Dr. Bryan Moffett and Discussing DNR Issues by Dr. Lori Earnshaw.
Or Anything But Cute
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Acute Kidney Injury by Dr. George Aronoff and Acute Mental Status Changes by Dr. Charlene Mitchell.
The Internal Medicine Lecture Series
Do you want to learn medicine from university faculty? Are you a resident or medical student looking to learn practical, evidence based approaches to your patients? Are you a physician so excited about MOC that you want to get started studying right now?
Our vision is to teach the world medicine. We believe in the concept of Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) and we focus on internal medicine (#FOAMIM). Our content will always be free to all who want to learn and take better care of patients.
We are supported by the generosity of the University of Louisville.
Little Lectures
Little Lectures is an under ten-minute video series created by residents for learners. These will focus on delivering just-in-time algorithms, practical clinical knowledge and board tips on high-yield topics. These lectures will be provided by the University of Louisville Internal Medicine residents. Follow us on Instagram to follow us behind the scenes!
Welcome to the LL Blog!
Louisville Lectures has always been a multidisciplinary platform bringing top medical education resources. We are hoping to continue this tradition by adding the LL Blog. The blog entries will come from a variety of different disciplines and will be published weekly. The LL Blog will take a closer look or deeper dive into topics compared to the Louisville Lectures. This will hopefully add a different dynamic to the core education the Louisville Lectures have been grown to represent. Visit the LL Blog Homepage.
The 5 categories for the blog:
Emergency Medicine/Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine
Critical Care
The different categories will often discuss separate topics, but we will also coordinate our topics and each category will discuss a topic from the same theme. By doing this we can show how the many dimensions of certain populations or disease processes.
It is our hope that someone will find value in one or all of these categories and, with a monthly post for each one, can get a steady stream of content delivered.
Introducing the Cardinal Hospital
Cardinal Hospital is a quaternary care referral center in a large city in the United States.. It is a level 1 trauma hospital, with 24-hour catheterization laboratory and a comprehensive stroke center. It contains all consulting services needed including cardiothoracic and neurosurgery. It is a virtual hospital only and the patients treated within the hospital and their care are all imaginary. Any resemblance to patients or the patients’ care in real-life is not intentional and coincidental.
Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.