Welcome 2018 Residents!
Internal Medicine Residency Orientation of 2018
The July Effect:
Interns around the world are beginning their residencies this month, giving many a reason to believe there will be more mistakes made in the hospital. Not to worry! Louisville Lectures has a variety of presentations given by physicians, faculty, and fellow residents to help you transition seamlessly as well as restore your confidence. You got this!
Check out our Louisville Lecture's Boot Camp with highlights of some of our most-viewed lectures. Our Boot Camp covers a series of high-yield, critical topics that are useful to starting interns. For more recent lectures, visit our IMLS Home Page.
Boot Camp: PHASE TWO
Or, Emergencies and Assessing Them
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Electrolyte Emergencies by Dr. Eleanor Lederer and Assessing the Seriously Ill Patient by Dr. David Nunley.
Boot Camp: PHASE ONE
Or, A Matter of the Heart
We are starting with some basic EKG concepts and arrhythmia emergencies. Dr. Martin Espinoza and Dr. Lorrell Brown deliver two highly-watched videos.
Boot camp: PHASE FOUR
Or What's the Issue
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Common Intern Issues by Dr. Bryan Moffett and Discussing DNR Issues by Dr. Lori Earnshaw.
Or Anything But Cute
This week, we will look at two highly anticipated videos, Acute Kidney Injury by Dr. George Aronoff and Acute Mental Status Changes by Dr. Charlene Mitchell.
Coming soon...
Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.
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