Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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Transparency with Information and Disclosure of Medical Errors with Dr. Nathan Spell

Dr. Nathan Spell presents "Transparency with Information and Disclosure of Medical Errors" by first explaining the rationale for disclosure of medical errors to patients and/or families along with how to relate the patient's perspective on transparency of information about errors and unexpected events. He then describes the emotions experienced by health care professionals and patients when discussing a medical error. Dr. Spell finished by discussing how to disclose errors in compassionate and patient-centered ways,  including effective use of apology where appropriate. 

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Nathan Spell, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Nathan Spell, M.D., oversees continuing medical education, faculty education and associated clinical development activities, programs and initiatives. He also focuses on embedding education strategies within major Emory Medicine clinical initiatives and integrating continuing education into clinical workflow. He earned his medical degree from Harvard and completed his internship and residency at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He practices general internal medicine and primary care. You can visit his faculty profile here.

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