Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

Filtering by Category: Pulmonary and Allergy

Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation with Dr. Christopher Chan

Dr. Christopher Chan presents an Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation by first defining respiratory physiology and indications for mechanical ventilation. He then presents the initial parameters/modes of ventilation as well as supportive care. After, Dr. Chan discusses troubleshooting the vent, weaning, successful liberation from the vent, and finally, the checklist.

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Chronic cough: Is it a symptom or a disease? Dr. Jonathan A. Bernstein

In this Grand Rounds, Dr. Jonathan Bernstein discusses chronic cough by first describing the evaluation and differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with chronic cough. He then determines the pathogenesis of chronic cough and defines the approach to diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough.

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Point of Care Ultrasound with Dr. Bilal Jalil (Part I)

Dr. Bilal Jalil presents part one of three talks on Point of Care Ultrasound. He first discusses the need to take care of the ultrasound machine by keeping it clean and placing probes onto their side cups. After, Dr. Jalil goes into the history of the ultrasound and then into Point of Care Ultrasound.

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Positive Pressure Ventilation with Dr. Bilal Jalil

Dr. Bilal Jalil presents "Positive Pressure Ventilation" through the following questions:

  1. Why is my patient intubated?

  2. What MV modes do I need to know about?

  3. How do I set the initial ventilator settings?

  4. Am I harming my patient with a ventilator?

  5. The ventilator is alarming!!! What do I do?

  6. Can I extubate my patient?

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Oxygen Delivery and Devices with Dr. Bilal Jalil

Dr. Bilal Jalil presents 'Oxygen Delivery and Devices" by first building and narrowing the differential for hypoxemia. He then discusses the factors that affect oxygen delivery as well as the nasal cannula flow and Fi02 relationship. Finally, he finishes with a talk on oxygen beyond nasal cannula.

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Human Microbiomes and Asthma Phenotype: Next Frontiers with Dr. Yvonne Huang

Dr. Yvonne J. Huang presents Human Microbiomes and Asthma Phenotype: Next Frontiers by first reviewing evidence linking the microbiome in early life to childhood asthma. She then discusses recent evidence linking the airway microbiome to asthma phenotype in adults. After, she discusses the challenges and new directions to understanding how microbiota influence asthma phenotype.

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