Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

Filtering by Category: Allergy & Immunology

Rhinosinusitis with Dr. Gerald Lee

Dr. Gerry Lee highlights important differences between allergic and non-allergic rhinosinusitis and emphasizes how to evaluate and treat the presentation of rhinitis. He discusses when to refer patients with rhinitis to allergists and how to recognize relationships between upper and lower airway diseases.

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Drug-induced Rashes with Dr. Owen

Dr. Cindy Owen gives an overview of cutaneous drug reactions and an approach to diagnosis and treatment in this image-driven lecture. She spends time on urticaria, fixed drug eruption, serum-sickness reaction, hypersensitivity vasculitis, morbilliform rash, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis and less familiar drug reactions (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, symmetric drug related intertriginous and flexural exanthem). 

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Primary Immunodeficiencies with Dr. Lee

Dr. Gerald Lee discusses common primary immunodeficiencies using a case-based approach. He introduces the topic of immunodeficiencies by creating broad categories of clinical presentation to assist with pattern recognition. He spends more time on Selective IgA Deficiency and then covers Common Variable Immunodeficiency in depth.

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Allergic Rhinitis with Dr. Tao Le

Yes, that Tao Le. Here he discusses types of rhinitis (infectious, allergic, non-infectious and non-allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis with and without polyps). Then he delves into epidemiology, complications, and treatment options (including environmental control, antihistamines, nasal steroids, surgery. He touches on chronic sinusitis as well as when to refer to an allergist or ENT.  

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Anaphylaxis and Urticaria with Dr. Lee

Dr. Gerald Lee presents interactive, case-based and image driven lecture on anaphylaxis and urticaria. He covers the mechanism of IgE-related hypersensitivities, diagnosis of anaphylaxis (and common mimics), effective history and treatment of allergic reactions, and the workup of chronic urticaria.

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